Sunday, June 5, 2016


We plan our vocabulary together.
In Room 8 and 9 our writing goes through many stages:
We write, then we edit our spelling and punctuation by underlining unknown words.

We write some more, and then craft our sentences by circling words we think can be changed or improved.

We work with others to share and hear ideas that help us with writing.

We can choose to attend editing and crafting workshops if this is something we think we need more help with.

Finally, we use checklists in our margins to see if we have met our learning goals. We made judgements about the quality of our work and what we have learned during writing.
We celebrate our learning in writing!


  1. Hi looks like you are doing fun learning hope you do more of it in room 8 and room 9
    From Sky (room 8)

  2. So you are all amazing at writing.
    RM8 Charlie
