Friday, February 24, 2017

Daily 5

We have been learning how to do Daily 5 in our classroom. Once we practised by ourselves for two weeks we got to open the doors to room 8 and 10 too. 

We can now choose where we want to sit and read for at least 12minutes without stopping.

We are so good at 'Read to Self' that we have begun 'Read to Someone'. Now we can share our love of reading with our friends.


  1. Hi my name is Whaea Colleen. I am his neighbour and am working with Trihaan with his school work. I will be checking what he is working on in school so I can provide complimentary activities to consolidate his learning. I like what I see with the reading program.

  2. Hi everyone, how great you're enjoying reading so much. I love it when a story or book hooks me in and wants me reading more and more. I see you're going to my website to read poems, woo hoo that made me feel quite special. Thanks for that and also your emails I've been getting. Ham East rocks!

    Judi B

  3. Hi guys GREAT Reading do you like your class room?😁

    Kanye Carter

    1. yes we like our classroom

    2. Yes we do like our class room thank you for asking.

    3. when we read we get smarter and when we get smarter we learn better from Anuhas room9

  4. If we read we get smarter and smarter and we learn things that we didn't know

    By Ivan & Ashen

  5. yay reading is that book a good fit for you by sharisse
