Wednesday, August 6, 2014

The NED show.

Kylie (the NED show girl) brought her friend, Ned, to Hamilton East School to show us what NED stands for.  

N = Never Give Up!
E = Encourage Others
D = Do Your Best.

Kylie also showed us some yoyo tricks while she shared a story about Ned not getting up in time and being chased by an alien.  
She did 'around the world' by spinning the top in a big circle in front and behind her body.
The Paris trick was an Eiffel tower made with the string of the yoyo (like a string game).
She also made a flag with the string, and spaghetti with the yoyo as a meatball.
Kylie threw the yoyo high in the air to make it look like a rocket blasting off.  There were lots of pictures she could make with the string, like jail bars, and a star.  At the beginning of the show she pretended her yoyo was Ned's dog and took it for a walk along the edge of the stage.

One boy in our class was asked how are you going to succeed in life and school. He said sometimes you need to take small steps to reach your goal.
At the end of the show she put a tissue in her mouth and pulled out a very very very long string of rainbow coloured tissues!!!