Kauri Team went to Matangi school for swimming sports in week 7 - our last school swim for the year.
Before I got in I felt nervous because there were heaps of bees and wasps swarming around the pool. (Lucy)
I thought the water would be hot, but it was cold when I got in! (Hussain)
When we were coming from the bus I was excited but when I saw the pool I was nervous because I thought it might be deep at the shallow end. (Mele)
When I got in the second time I was climbing along the rail with my hands trying to get all the way to the deep end. (Lance)
When I got to the pool I thought the deep end wasn't that deep but when I got in it was very deep. (Bradley)
I felt scared and nervous before the race but once I did it I enjoyed it. (Chloe)
Saalihah and I thought we would lose because everyone was so fast. (Nandani)
I was surprised to get into the finals for one of the races. (Rebecca)
I thought I was going to drown in the deep end so I was glad when I could touch the bottom
again. (Felicia)
I held the side of the pool when I went to the deep end so I wouldn't drown. (Saalihah)